Please get in touch early to register your interest in supplying to the project, should planning permission be approved

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Ecological surveys onsite have been ongoing since 2016, the findings from which to date suggest no likely significant issues subject to following guidance and good practice, but also potential for positive management on the site and wider estate to provide a net ecological benefit.


A detailed Environmental Impact Assessment will need to be produced, covering a wide range of topics. The scope of such an assessment has been consulted on with various relevant consultees via the Scottish Government's Energy Consents Unit.


A programme of consultation, including public exhibitions, will be taking place over 2018.


Owing to the anticipated connected capacity of the scheme, an application for permission will be submitted to the Scottish Government's Energy Consents Unit. The Highland Council will however be an important consultee, along with Scottish Natural Heritage, SEPA, Historic Scotland and various other bodies, as well as local communities. An application is expected to be made in the first half of 2019.


A decision will be reached be Scottish Ministers.
