Please get in touch early to register your interest in supplying to the project, should planning permission be approved

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Public Exhibitions to be held June 2018 31 May 2018

Coriolis Energy and ESB will be hosting public exhibitions to discuss a proposal for a wind energy development on land at Kirkan about 6 km northwest of Garve. This will form an extension to the operational Corriemoillie and Lochluichart schemes.

We are at an early stage in the development of this project, so wish to introduce the proposal and consult the local community. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity to meet the project team and to learn more about our proposals.

TUESDAY, 12 JUNE 2018, Garve Village Hall, Garve, 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm

WEDNESDAY, 13 JUNE 2018, Achnasheen Village Hall, Achnasheen, 11.00 am to 4.00 pm

More information is available on the project website: www.kirkanwindfarm.co.uk.

Anyone wishing to comment on the proposal should do so by writing to Kirkan Wind Farm Ltd either by email to info@kirkanwindfarm.co.uk or post to 22–24 King Street, Maidenhead, SL6 1EF.

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